how an 8 year old confirmed my suspicion: we had a past life together

Throughout my life many strange, supernatural and profound experiences have occurred that I pushed aside, convincing myself I was crazy. I knew no one would believe me, so I filed the experiences away in the back of my mind, assuming it would not see the light of day again.

It wasn’t until a past life regression and confirmation from an 8 year old that allowed me to explore my gifts further. The following is an excerpt from my first unreleased poetry book after I suddenly began channeling poetry during my meditations.

This experienced shaped me into who I am today and carved the path to become an animal communicator and channel full time.

Image of a person looking up at the vibrant night sky..  There are rainbows of colors and stars

“You do know we had a past life together, right?” 

Stillness washed over me.  I felt the blood rush from my face, swirling around inside my chest before abruptly collecting at the lowest part of my stomach.  My night was winding down as I sat comfortably in my favorite reading spot. The words on the pages shifting from crisp and clear, to a dense blur, as if I am attempting to peek out the dew-covered window on a humid Georgia summer morning.  I look up at my then boyfriend’s daughter who appears to be towering over my body as I slouch deeper into the couch, words escaping my lips as I let her know she has my attention.

“Don’t you remember? You weren’t watching me while I was swimming, and I died.  You let me die in that life.” 

The room began to spin.  How could she know this?  It was just over one month prior where I had my first past life regression under hypnosis, where I learned of reincarnation and the connection to my past. 


A slew of odd events and internal compulsions led me down this unknown path.  Religion and spirituality were not a part of my life, but after years of loss and struggle slamming me in the face, without a second to catch my breath, I found myself questioning the meaning of my existence and purpose.  I have never gone under hypnosis before. Heck, I’ve never even been to a therapist and only go to the doctor when I absolutely have no other option.  The thought of going under hypnosis to uncover past lives of mine was completely out of left field for anyone who knew me.

The day finally came, and with no expectations or knowledge of what was to unfold, I went in with blind optimism.  Mallorie Shannon, a skilled Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, met with me virtually through video chat.  With the worldwide pandemic winding down, the success of her sessions in the comfort of her clients’ homes had unexpected benefits.  From my favorite spot on my couch, she guided me into a deep relaxing state, unlike what the movies portray.  I was alert and aware of my surroundings.  I had full control of my body and could open my eyes if I wanted to.  The level of relaxation in my mind, soul, and body was a benchmark engrained into my being, shaping the future of my daily meditations to come.

I was guided to a scene from my childhood and in the womb, exploring what memories came up, getting used to this feeling of trusting my senses, intuition, and messages coming through.  I was shocked how easy these images, feelings, and knowing thoughts came to me. But these experiences were only the warmup for what was next to unfold.

We were then transported to a past life of a woman in bare feet, standing in the shallow part of a body of water.  She was tall, thin, pale as a ghost, with dark stringy hair, wearing a dress with baggy sleeves cinched at the wrist.  I have seen this image before as flashes in my mind and dreams throughout my life.  It was always a still photo, a snapshot, and never more.  This time the woman moved, and the scene was able to come to life. I could hit the “play” button for the first time.  Bending down, she pulled up a small child from the water, and   cradled the drenched, limp body. I realized the baby was her daughter, and that woman was me. 


A wave of emotions rolled over my current physical body.  Tears were streaming down my face like a waterfall, pooling at the base of my neck. Feelings emerged that were buried deep in cracks and crevices of my soul that I carried from lifetimes of trauma and pain.  Feelings of resentment toward myself, fear of judgement, sadness from my daughter’s passing, feelings of loneliness, despair, and disbelief.  How could I allow my daughter to drown?  How careless can I be? 


When my emotions began to wane, a simple question emerged, “How did you die in this lifetime?” As quickly as the words left Mallorie’s lips, I was transported into my (then) log cabin home:  a simple structure with a wood burning stove, a pot of water waiting to sound its alarm, and a second roaring fireplace behind me for warmth.  Alone, no one around.  No family, no daughter.  Isolated with only my thoughts and emotions that were left.  Dead inside, a shell of my former self. 


Smoke began filling the room, slowly at first, then rapidly as it began to get harder to breathe.  I knew what was to come.  I had a moment to decide if I wanted to live in this lifetime, alone, with the heavy heart of losing my daughter, or leave this world on my terms through smoke inhalation and carbon monoxide poisoning.  With stillness the decision was made in a blink of an eye, and abruptly the room went black, and reality hit me.  I had a choice.  I chose to die.

I was emotional, crying, distraught, but an immense feeling of relief washed over me as Mallorie guided me to my spirit guides for a debrief, of sorts.  Being new to spirituality and hypnosis, I did not know what to expect, but this was the first glimpse I received into who we are and why we exist on planet earth.  I learned of the lessons of life, the choices we make: deciding to incarnate, how karma forms, messages of light, energy… all were shown to me through many senses, words, and emotions. It was in this state I was channeled for the first time from a higher being.  These words were not coming from me.  These words were coming from beyond.  I was amazed by what was occurring, and I embraced my role as the vessel to allow these Divine words to come through.

When these messages of purpose and life were coming to an end, an immense discomfort of pins and needles, pulsing, tingling, and pressure began building up in my arms.  Over the last eight months this symptom had suddenly occurred, causing major disruption to my waking and sleeping life.  The pain was unbearable most nights and unable to be treated by modern medicine, as my doctor said. 


Mallorie prompted my spirit guides to heal my body from the trauma that needed to be released from my past lives.  The pain increased and the pressure was indescribable.  If my arms could explode, they would have.   And the moment I felt I could no longer stand the pain any longer, the tingles began to dissipate slowly until they were completely gone.  Tingles of energy bouncing from my palms to my fingertips was slowly being released into the air around me, creating a dense fog of stillness.  Baffled as to what occurred, I thought there had to be a more logical explanation than what I just experienced.  But, to this day the pins and needles have not returned.

I came into this experience with no expectations and came out a new person.  A weight was lifted from me I didn’t know existed. My body was healing, my mind was mending, and there was room in my soul to fill with gratitude from my current lifetime. 

The days after my past life regression were some of the most exciting and confusing times.  I told my immediate family and some select friends what happened, but no one else.  I wasn’t sure how others would respond. I was afraid of what they would think,  and knew they wouldn’t fully understand what I experienced.  So, I kept the experience to myself without uttering a word again, hiding the knowledge deep in the vacant caverns now available inside of me.

Over a month went by without seeing or speaking to my boyfriend’s daughter, who is eight, and son, who is ten.  I had not seen them since Christmas, well before my past life regression.  It was their first full day visiting when I was approached with that gut-wrenching question.

“I do remember that life,” I quietly whispered, unsure how to proceed, wanting to know more without prompting.  “How long have you remembered this?” 

“The memories come to me whenever I am around you.  I just remember, I don’t know how.  I was too afraid to tell you, because I didn’t want you to be upset. I am not mad at you for letting me drown. I want to tell dad, but I don’t want him to be upset either because he died, too, trying to save my brother, and I don’t think he remembers.  That bad life brought us back together in this good life, so I am not upset.”

She gracefully navigated a complicated subject full of emotions with such tact and grace for a young child. I began questioning her more about her father and brother, as this was not something I saw under hypnosis.  It was revealed to me that he dove in the water to save his drowning son, only to need rescuing himself, ultimately dying from the experience. Submerged by water, a family gone in a blink of an eye.  A widowed wife, engulfed by smoke. 

Shocked, confused and in disbelief about what I was being told, I walked outside to get some air.  During that time she pulled my boyfriend aside and reminded him of the life we once had together.

Nightfall came and my boyfriend and I finally crossed paths.  Pale as a ghost, eyes shimmering like glass, he began to tell me of nightmares he had.  Every single night after his son was born, he would have unexplainable night terrors of his son drowning.  The nightmares were so vivid, intense, and realistic that he was unable to achieve a sound night of sleep for many months.  Eventually, pushing those emotions deep within, he was able to finally rest.  The fear and images of those nightmares were never able to be explained, that is, until now.

This experience was the pinnacle of what was to unfold, 
shaping my beliefs, reflection, and deep inner work.
Finding my purpose, embracing my strength.
Picking up pieces, releasing trauma stored within.
Embracing meditation, journaling, taking care of my body.
Slowing down, self-care, learning how to properly breathe.
Allowing myself to open deep within. 
Creating a vessel for the Universe to channel through me again.

With all my love,

Jackie Audette


Archer the Cat and The Feared Top Hat