What is animal Communication?

Have you ever wondered how your pet waits at the door, knowing you are almost home well before your car even pulls onto your street?  Or how wild prey animals innately sense a predator is near before they make themselves known as a threat?  Animals are great examples of how to communicate non-verbally through energy.  Humans have lost the connection with this ability, but many are very much still in touch with this form of telepathy. 

If you met another person who speaks a foreign language, would you assume that they did not have any thoughts, feelings or couldn’t communicate?  Certainly, we know this is not true.  We recognize language barriers as just that… a barrier.  We recognize that the person still has thoughts, feelings, and the ability to communicate.  The trick is figuring out a way to understand them.  This concept is also true with animal communication.  Our languages are different, and we must figure out a way to bridge that connection.

Animal communicators use their “clair” senses to connect with your pets.  The following are examples of the “clair” senses.

  1. Clairvoyance, which means “clear seeing.” This is where pictures are presented. This may be through mental images, mini movie scenes, dreams, visions, auras.  These images may be literal or metaphorical.

  2. Clairaudience, which is “clear hearing.”  This is where you hear voices or messages being delivered.

  3. Clairsentience, which is “clear feeling.”  This involves feeling the physical sensation in your own body, such as if your animal is having a stomachache, you will also feel the discomfort in your own stomach.  You may also feel emotional trauma and where it is being stored in the body.

  4. Claircongnizance, which is “clear knowing.”  This involves a sudden experience of knowing, even though you did not physically hear or see anything.  It is as if information has been downloaded into your mind and without a shadow of a doubt you know it is true but cannot explain why.

  5. Clairalience, which is “clear smelling.”  This involves insights coming in through the perception of smell.

  6. Clairintellect, which is “clear thinking.”  This involves having “epiphanies” commonly, which is from your thoughts manifesting as your intuition.  It appears your words are coming from a higher source of consciousness and not your own.

  7. Clairempahy, which is “clear emotion.”  This involves sensing other people or animals’ emotions, thoughts or symptoms, creating a hyper awareness of others’ emotional energy.

  8. Clairtangency, which is “clear touching.”  This involves obtaining information about others through physical touch.

  9. Clairgustance, which is “clear tasting.”  This involves having a sense of a specific taste in your mouth, even without having consumed the source.   An example could be the taste of your deceased family member’s favorite food coming through.

Energy is universal.  It is not confined to our physical body.  As the Law of Conservation of Energy states, that energy is neither created nor destroyed.   Have you ever had that moment where you think of your old friend you haven’t spoken to in ages, and suddenly they call you out of the blue?  This is an example of telepathic energy transfer. 

Because energy is not confined to our physical bodies, animal communicators, intuitives, mediums and psychics are able to do readings remotely without being near the animal or person being read.  In fact, it is preferred to do readings remotely so we can focus on the messages coming through and what the energy is telling us, rather than what the animal or person’s body language is saying, which can be a distraction. 

During a reading the animals will present different images, messages, and sensations. Just like people, animals all have different personalities. Some animals jump right into a reading with lots of detailed information and can be very “talkative,” while others are more reserved and may not provide as many details. Some animals are creative in how they present information, leaving it up to us to put insight together like a puzzle piece, while others may be more black and white with presenting the information. Because of this, every reading is unique.

What can I expect during an animal communication reading?

  • All sessions are held remotely. I offer flexible options for scheduling. Initial sessions are either held over the phone, on zoom video conferencing, or if your schedule cannot accommodate the available time slots I will send you an audio message over the app Voxer where you can respond during the day at your leisure. If neither of these options work for you, I can also send the results solely over email.

    When scheduling an appointment, you will fill out an enrollment form which includes your information and some general information about the animal(s) you are interested in getting read. We ask for their name, gender and age, along with submitting a photo of each animal that is to be read. The photos must not contain any other animals or people in the image, and I must be able to have a clear visual of their eyes. On the enrollment form there is a section to write in any specific questions you have for your animal(s). It is important to not provide me way to much information prior to the initial reading, as I’d rather work from a blank slate and see what the animal(s) tell me, but having topics and questions to guide the session is helpful so I know what to ask your pet.

  • 30 minutes-1 hour prior to our appointment I will go into meditation alone, connecting with your animals where I will take detailed notes. During this time I will ask my own questions to build a relationship with your animal, followed by a body scan which allows them to show me any areas on their body they may have discomfort, and finally I will ask your specific questions that were previously sent in prior to the session.

    After the initial 30-60 minutes connecting with your animal(s), I will either give you a call/zoom and we can discuss the findings for the remainder of our appointment, or i'll send you a message on Voxer/email. During this discussion if you have any clarifying questions or any new ones come up, I can continue communicating with your pet(s) to get those answers. At the end of every session I will send you my notes in an email. These notes will only touch on brief points, so it is recommended to take your own notes as well.

  • Each call/zoom appointment lasts between 30-60 minutes (not including the time I will be connecting in meditation alone with your pet), though we can extend the session in 15-minute increments if desired or schedule an additional session. It is important to note that each reading purchased is purchasing the time slot. I can read up to 2 animals during a time slot, but it is important to note that if there are an abundance of questions, I may not be able to get a lot of information per animal, or there may be some questions that I do not have time to get to during the allotted time. Though this is a rare situation, it may happen if there are complex situations for specific animals.

    In your enrollment form please list the animals in order of priority to be read so I can make sure our time is spent wisely.

Price: $155/ Session
& additional $40 for every 15 minutes

The Top photo is a Dalmatian dog holding a red phone in his mouth with a white background.  The bottom photo is a woman on the phone sitting at her computer with her grey cat laying on the table with her.  There are indoor plants all around.

Animal communication


I offer weekly and monthly membership options for returning clients who would like frequent communication with their animals throughout the week.

Memberships are great for:

  • Pets with ongoing medical concerns

  • Animals with challenging behavioral concerns

  • Newly adopted or rescued animals

  • Building a stronger bond with your animal

  • Check-in with your pet while away on vacation or at work

  • Support animals through life changes, such as a transition to a new home, or bringing a new baby home

This option allows you up to 5 mini readings per week with your animal where you can ask a specific question, obtain feedback, or just check in on them.

These sessions will be conducted through the voice messaging app Voxer where you can send me a message Monday-Friday with your request to connect. I will then send you an audio message letting you know the outcome and support your animal as needed. Responses will come in within 24 hours of the request, or the next business day if falling late Friday, but special consideration can be made for time-sensitive issues, such as if your pet is having a medical crisis or a scheduled vet visit occurring at a specific time.

$140/ week or $397/month
(1 animal only)
Additional $75/animal
(up to 4 animals total)

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • If your pet has not yet had a full reading, they must complete their own session first. For returning pets who have had a reading within the last year, we can schedule up to 2 pets per appointment.

    Enrollment Form Instructions:
    When filling out your enrollment form, please list your animals and questions in order of preference. Be aware that if there are many in-depth topics, there may not be enough time to cover all your questions.

    Additional Time and Billing:
    During our call, if additional clarifying questions arise and we run over the scheduled time, you will be billed for each additional 15 minutes. I can accommodate an extra 30 minutes after each session for such situations. If more time is needed, please schedule a second appointment.

  • No, your animal(s) do not need to be present with you for the session.

  • Yes! You can have as many people as you’d like present for the session.

  • No, sessions will not be recorded. Prior to our appointment I will be writing up my findings, which will be discussed in depth at our scheduled time and emailed to you after. I recommend taking additional notes as we talk about what was uncovered, especially if additional questions were asked and new information was discovered.

  • I recommend having a notebook and pen available for notes. Due to the nature of some readings, many find having tissues and a bottle of water nearby a good idea in case any emotions arise when connecting with our furry friends.

  • Yes! If you are interested in connecting with your animal that has passed away that is certainly something we can do.

  • No. At this time I am not available to connect with lost or missing pets. Please contact your local animal shelter for assistance with lost pets.

  • There is no limit on how often you can get readings for your animals. I recommend if you have an interest in connecting with your pet frequently to check out our weekly and monthly membership options that allow for multiple short sessions each week. This is great if you have a behavioral or medical concern with your pet, are going away for vacation, or just want to build a stronger bond with your pet through bridging the communication gap. This is a great way to get frequent readings at a highly discounted rate. Please check out our membership section for more information.

  • If your only goal is figuring out when, where and who your animal has or will reincarnate and this is your sole reason for booking a reading, I do not recommend moving forward with a session. Though there is a chance this information may come out in some readings, it is not guaranteed. If you understand that this information may or may not be shown to me and you are still interested in a reading to get insight on other questions, I am more than happy to connect with you and your animal.

  • There is such a wide range of questions you can ask. I always start off my reading by asking some simpler questions such as, their favorite toy/food/activity, if they have any pain or discomfort in their bodies and if there is anything they want to share with their family. Many people schedule readings to ask or tell their animals about upcoming changes in the family dynamic: such as a birth of a baby, going through a divorce, child going off to college, moving to a new home, adding an additional pet to the household, food preferences such as changing their diet, diving deeper into behavioral concerns/questions, and to check in with pets who have passed away.

  • It is important to recognize how animals present information to me. Animals, just like people, all have different communication styles and this can result in challenges in interpreting the information. For example, a cat presented an image of an umbrella. This image did not make sense to me in the context of the reading, but after putting together a few other images presented and clarifying with the owner, we determined that the umbrella was a symbol for the cat’s friend named “Rain” who is a dog that frequently visits the family’s household. Sometimes the images shown together do not make sense at first, but days or weeks later it may make more sense. Additionally, sometimes the images shown are actually something that will happen in the future. For example, I asked a dog to show me something that will make her mom believe in animal communication. The dog showed me a squished flat frog in the road on a walk, located by a mailbox. This did not make sense to the owner at the time, but a few days later on their walk the dog pulled her over to a squished flat frog in the road by a mailbox. Taking notes of the reading and revisiting the information days, weeks, or even months later can often provide greater insight and epiphanies.

  • Yes, though the membership price accounts for 1 pet, you have the option of adding on more at checkout for an additional fee.

  • Yes, we do offer week memberships and you can book two weeks, which can be great if you are traveling. Due to the price structure, if you are looking to book 3 weeks at a time I recommend signing up for the monthly membership due to the price discount.