Archer the Cat and The Feared Top Hat

Black cat wearing a top hat looking straight at the camera.

Let me tell you about Archer and his traumatic journey with the “Top Hat Man.”  Archer is a black cat owned by my dear friend, and spiritual healer, Fallon Jordan.  Fallon and I met by pure Divine intervention and true manifestation.  I recently went through an upheaval in my life.  A failed engagement, sold my dream home, underwent two back surgeries, and a big downsize move from a 5,600 sq ft home to a 700 sq ft apartment, all in the matter of 9 months.  But don’t feel sorry for me, because I know that when things fall apart it is making room for something bigger and better.  Though this is a topic for another day…

While lounging at my new apartment’s beautiful, resort-style pool with one of my friends, she causally mentioned to me that we need to make more friends down here in Georgia.  We are both originally from New York, as GA is not our home state, and you may be aware by now…. but meeting friends as an adult isn’t as easy as it was as a kid. 

I said to her, “we will attract the friends who are meant to be with us.  The Universe will send them our way without any effort.”  Lo and behold, not even 5 minutes later, Fallon approached us at the pool, stating she liked our “vibe” and felt called to introduce herself.  It turns out Fallon is also in the spiritual space professionally (thank you Universe for always providing!).

Fallon and her cat Archer have a long-time animal communicator/ pet psychic they have used throughout his life.  Her goal of hiring a communicator was to make sure Archer always has an opportunity to use his voice, as Fallon is invested in taking care of his emotional, physical, and spiritual needs.  Archer is a wise older cat and loves being involved in spiritual development, so Fallon joined my monthly membership program allowing me to connect with Archer regularly.   

Archer is a strong communicator.  He comes in quick, clean, clear, often with tons of humor, though sometimes likes to challenge me with riddles to develop my skills further.  Reading animals is like playing charades and I always appreciate it when animals get creative with the information they are trying to portray, but sometimes the images can be baffling.  And the is “Top Hat Man” is a prime example of that. 

While connecting with Archer he expressed great concern about a man with a top hat, who looks like Abraham Lincoln, and who stalks him from outside of his apartment.  Archer states he can hear this man walking up and down the halls, he sees him outside the windows, and is being tormented by this person constantly.  None of this makes sense to me, but I made sure to write everything down and clearly articulate this odd information to Fallon. 

Black cat with a red collar looking out a window

Fallon squeals out in disbelieve…. “The top hat man is STILL here?!”  Turns out, she knows about this situation, as her long-term animal communicator brought this to Fallon’s attention years prior.  It got to the point where Fallon even moved to a new home to remove Archer out of the environment where the “Top Hat Man” was stalking him in. 

I had no clue about this “Top Hat Man” until now. This was news to me but made me feel confident with this clear confirmation that another pet communicator, who I do not know, also received the same odd information from dear Archer. 

Over the following weeks I spent time connecting with Archer and with this “Top Hat Man” to finally bring Archer peace.  I was able to instruct the “Top Hat Man” to move further away from the building as to give Archer more space.  I worked with Archer to clear this trauma from his body, mind and soul during this session and hoped for the best. 

Immediately after our session Fallon reported Archer coughed up a massive pile of gunk he was holding onto in his body.  Archer has a history of breathing issues, resulting in wheezing, congestion and difficulty catching his breath. This has been an ongoing issue since he was a kitten and no vet could figure out how to help.  Since our session it is reported that he no longer has breathing issues and is running around like a kitten again!  He was also less frantic about looking under the doors, as his anxiety seems to have relaxed. 

After months of working with Archer in the membership program, I realized this has been an ongoing situation with deep rooted trauma, stemming from an incident with a past life (yes, animals also have past lives, too!). 

When investigating deeper, I was shown Archer in a past life where he was a rat.  There was a man with a top hat holding Archer, the rat, by the tail.  The man was upset Archer was in his barn and that his barn cat was not doing his job by killing the rodents.  Acting as an example to the cat, the man held Archer up in the air for the barn cat to see, then proceeded to take a knife and slice open Archer from neck to belly, to show the cat how to do his job. 

A photo of a person holding a mouse by the tail dangling the mouse in front of a cat who is observing in the bottom right corner of the image

This trauma stayed with Archer through many lifetimes, where it has manifested into the current situation we are in today.  I worked with Archer on healing this trauma and by explaining he is safe now, as a result he has been able to begin the healing process for himself, too.

I still check in with Archer weekly and he will often show me an image of the feared “Top Hat Man” in a funny cartoon form, then proceed by laughing and mocking him.  The “Top Hat Man” incident is something that he is still working through, but his humor and lightheartedness throughout the process has been a huge sign that we are heading in the right direction.

Animals are odd, but so are we.  When conventional, science back training methods no longer work, I often find bridging the gap with non-conventional animal communication and energetic healing modalities to exceed my wildest expectations of what is possible.

If you are interested in my animal communication or channeled messages membership options, check out the Services section on my website:

If you are interested in energetic healing services for yourself or loved ones, check out Fallon’s website:


Unlocking the Mysteries of Animal Communication: A Pet Psychic's Guide


how an 8 year old confirmed my suspicion: we had a past life together