What is intuitive channeling?

Channeling, also known as intuitive reading, involves tapping into your energy, a person, or a specific situation, and delivering the received information to you. This information is usually channeled from a universal source energy, your spirit guides, or sometimes from loved ones who are no longer with us. I am simply the intermediary through which it is communicated, as I have the ability hear the messages coming through. In essence, I act as a translator, converting the information from the universe/guides/loved ones into words for you. 

Getting an channeled intuitive reading is a great way to obtain clarity and guidance needed to assist through different chapters and crossroads of your life. 

Clients schedule for many reasons, but many of the top examples include:

  • Investigate health related concerns

  • Obtain guidance in their career

  • Receive clarity in their relationship

  • Create more abundance in their life

  • Tackle the feeling of being stuck

  • Discover their life purpose

  • Explore spirituality deeper

  • Combat limiting beliefs

  • Receive support through difficult times

The top photo is an image of lavender, a candle, crystals and a Buddha statue on a tray.  The middle photo is of a woman holding her arms up embracing the sun.  The bottom photo is someone lighting a smudge sage bundle to cleanse their house.

What can I expect during a channeled reading?

  • All sessions are held remotely. For those unable to attend the available time slots, I offer flexible options. Sessions can be conducted over the phone, Zoom, or through the audio messaging app called Voxer if the available appointments do not fit in your schedule. If preferred, messages can be delivered via email.

    When scheduling an appointment, you will complete an enrollment form with your information, specific questions, or broad topics of interest. You will also need to submit a photo of yourself, which should contain only you and clearly show your eyes.

  • Thirty minutes before our scheduled appointment, I will meditate alone to connect with spirit and take detailed notes. During this time, I will tune into your energy and receive messages from sources such as your spirit guides and ancestors. After receiving the initial messages, I will address the specific questions you submitted on your enrollment form.

    Following this thirty minute channeling session, I will contact you via your preferred method (call, Zoom, Voxer, or email) during your scheduled appointment time to discuss the findings. If you have any clarifying questions or new ones, I can continue channeling for additional information.

    After each session, I will email you my notes for future reference.

  • Each session lasts between 30-45 minutes, depending on the number of questions you have. If needed, we can extend the session in 15-minute increments or schedule an additional session. To ensure our time is used effectively, please list your questions or topics in order of priority on the enrollment form, as I may not be able to address all questions within the given time frame.

Price: $155/session
& $40 per additional 15 minutes

Channeled Reading


I offer monthly membership options for returning clients who would like frequent guidance through channeled messages throughout the week.

This option is great for:

  • Business owners wanting frequent non-conventional guidance

  • Support during a challenging situation or crossroad in life

  • Those who are looking for frequent connection, guidance and support

  • Those wanting to deepen their spirituality and connection with their guides

This option allows you obtain 5 mini readings per week where you may have a specific question, want feedback, or just want words of advice for their day ahead. These sessions will be conducted through the voice messaging app Voxer where you can send me a message Monday-Friday with a question or request. I will then send you an audio message letting you know what messages come through regarding the topic. These readings can be done anytime throughout the week, but special consideration can be made for time sensitive issues/situations.

Price: $140/week or $397/month


  • No! It is important to note that time is limited, so I do recommend listing your questions or topics you would like me to cover in order of priority to make sure there is ample time to connect and ask clarifying questions. Understand that there may not be enough time to get to all of them, but if time goes over you will be billed for each additional 15 minutes or you have the option to schedule an additional session for the remainder of the questions.

  • No, it is preferred that you are alone during the reading as I find I can pick up on multiple people’s energy, pulling away from your session.

  • No. Sessions will be held over the phone where I will go over my findings. It is recommended to take notes as we chat about what was uncovered. I also take notes during the session and a copy of these will be emailed to you at the conclusion. Though you will get the notes emailed, I still recommend taking additional notes because I will only send over a brief outline.

  • I recommend having a notebook and pen available for notes. Due to the nature of some readings, many find having tissues and a bottle of water nearby a good idea in case any emotions arise when receiving these messages. Having an open mind will allow your energy to fully open up to the information and messages.

  • Yes, sometimes this does happen in channeled messages, though connecting with specific loved ones is not the purpose of this reading. Though, typically I do not control which spirit comes through. I do find that ancestors and loved ones may make themselves present to provide messages and insight. I do not attempt to connect to a specific spirit, but rather I leave myself open to whatever comes through. If you are interested in connecting with a specific animal that has passed away that is certainly something we can do in one of our animal communication sessions.

  • There is no limit on how often you can get readings, though I do recommend giving yourself a few days to soak in the information from the initial reading before booking another session. Some people find having time to integrate the messages are important, while others can have frequent readings and quick integrations.

    If you have an interest in receiving frequent guidance, check out our weekly and monthly membership options that allow for multiple short sessions each week. This is a great way to get frequent readings at a highly discounted rate.

  • Many clients come in with no specific questions, rather a broad topic they want insight on, while others come in with a list of questions. Many people schedule readings for insight about upcoming changes in the family dynamic such as a birth of a baby, going through a divorce or breakup, child going off to college, moving to a new home, adding in an additional pet to the household, medical and diet insight, diving deeper into fears and belief systems, guidance on navigating social situations, to explore spirituality deeper, or for insight for their upcoming week/month.

  • It is important to recognize how spirit presents information to me. Just like humans, different spirits have different complication styles which can result in having to interpret the information provided, rather than receiving clear guidance. Sometimes the messages will not make sense for weeks, months, or years later, and sometimes the messages will make complete sense in the present moment. Some spirits send messages as poems, images, sensations, rather than clearly written words. Animals, especially those still here on Earth, often send obscure images and messages for us to decipher. For example, in an animal communication reading a cat presented an image of an umbrella. This image did not make sense to me in the context of the reading, but after putting together a few other images presented to me and clarifying with the owner, we determined that the umbrella was a symbol for the cat’s friend named “Rain” who is a dog that frequently visits the family’s household. Sometimes the images shown together do not make sense at first, but days or weeks later it may make more sense. Additionally, sometimes the images shown are something that will happen in the future. For example, I asked a dog to show me something that will make her mom believe in animal communication. The dog showed me a squished flat frog in the road on a walk, located by a mailbox. This did not make sense to the owner at the time, but a few days later while on their walk the dog pulled her over to a squished flat frog in the road by a mailbox. Taking notes of the reading and revisiting the information days, weeks, or even months later can often provide greater insight and epiphanies.

  • Yes, you can sign up for as many weeks as you would like, though I recommend if you are wanting to schedule more than 2 weeks you consider signing up for the monthly membership for the price discount.